
In this course, we will explain a set of general principles governing the commercial judiciary in the Kingdom. Moreover, this course discusses, at the outset thereof, the definition of commercial law, the Law of Commercial Courts, the Companies Law and the main features of evidence before the commercial courts. Thereafter, we address the general provisions of the commercial courts competencies, whether under the Commercial Court Law issued in 1441, the Law of Civil Procedure 1435 H, the Companies Law issued in 1437 H, or the new Law of Companies issued in 1443. We will also discuss the provisions of bankruptcy, winding up and liquidation of commercial companies under the provisions and principles of the commercial courts in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by reference to several practical judicial examples from the commercial courts in the Kingdom.


In this course, we will study the following topics:

•    Module 1: Introduction to KSA Commercial Judiciary

•    Module 2: Competences of Commercial Judiciary

•    Module 3: Bankruptcy, Termination and Liquidation of Commercial Companies

•    Module 4: Judicial Examples

Online modules
اختبار الترقية (المسار السريع)
Key module
المادة التدريبية
اختبار نهاية البرنامج