This course aims to familiarize the trainee with the provisions and rules of the Saudi Law of Procedure before the Board of Grievances, at it addresses the establishment of the Board of Grievances, the various courts that make up the Board, and the various jurisdictions of the Board. Further, this course explains the history of evolution of litigation procedures before the Board of Grievances, procedures of filing administrative cases, most important implications of filing administrative cases, i.e. the stay of execution administrative decisions. This course also explains the preparation procedures and course of administrative cases according to the provisions of the Law of Procedure before the Board of Grievances. Moreover, we will address the order and management of hearings. Finally, we will discuss the mechanism of objection to administrative judgments via appeal, petition for reconsideration or objection before the High Supreme Court.
In this course, we will study the following topics:
• Module 1: An overview of the Formation and Mandate of the Board of Grievances
• Module 2: Filing/Recording Administrative Lawsuits
• Module 3: Stay of Enforcement of Administrative Decisions
• Module 4: Preparing Administrative Lawsuits, their Course & Adjudicating thereon
• Module 5: Objection and Appeal of Administrative Judgments